Green Energy
In Tribute to Yale's Submission....

P.S. For those not in the know, Yale University Press cut the Danish Mohammad cartoons from their book on the Danish Mohammad cartoons.
-Bosch Fawstin
Cowardice Is Always The Wrong Move...
...when it comes to dealing with Islamomaniacs. From Weasel Zippers, citing the Telegraph: Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which angered Muslims by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad 10 years ago, will not republish Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons...
Fareed Zakaria, "moderate" Muslim, Nixed Mohammed Cartoons
In other words, Zakaria advised Yale University Press not to publish the Danish cartoons. From this post at Islam in Action, citing this source: ...Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, a world affairs columnist and CNN host who serves on...
The Wapo Addresses Self-censorship
In a lead editorial on Sunday, August 23, 2009, and regarding Yale University Press's cowardice in not publishing the MTP cartoons:Self-Muzzled at Yale: A university publisher allows the possibility of Muslim reaction to alter an academic work AN...
Light And Truth
It's not more than an Internet-rumour yet that Yale is planning to remove the Hebrew lettering from its seal because it could be perceived as "offensive". Maybe it will remain a rumour. But what makes it so frightening is its utter credibility and...
Auction Houses Dare Not Sell Original Danish Muhammed Cartoons
The original danish Muhammed cartoons are for sale. But several estimated danish auction houses dare not put them on auction. “It would be stupid to provoke the muslims again they say.” One dane bought one of the cartoons in november 2005 for 15.000...
Green Energy