Green Energy
In which I DEFEND (gag) the President for NOT arming Syrian ‘moderates’
Since 2001 I have seen Yusuf Qaradawi described by many early on as a moderate, MULTIPLE times, by no less than Newsweek ..probably as late as 2003-4.
Qaradawi, of course is the ‘private’ cheerleader of the Muslim Brotherhood, and lives only SOMEWHAT by choice in, oh my, shock -> Qatar. He has justified suicide homicide bombers for religious reasons, and worse, and NOT JUST AGAINST JEWS.
I could go on with a LONG list of those who by avoiding calls in English for the killing / beheading / blowing up of American / Jews / Crusaders / Westerners / Hindus / Buddhis…..well you get the idea.
The idea that a Kerensky„ IF ONE EXISTED IN SYRIA / IRAQ could overcome the untrammeled consciences of the Bolsheviks of ISIS is, …….a… well,

Obama was CORRECT that no group of dentists and high school teachers was going to overcome ISIS. Consider the history of both Iraq and Syria. Do you think after FIFTY years of
Assads in Syria there was a waiting population of male
Wafa Sultan’s ready to overcome both ISIS and Assad and begin a Jeffersonian agrarian-and or high tech democracy?
Allow me to refer you to the Washington Bureau chief of Al Arabiya, otherwise the most racist, unyielding and foaming of Arab news channels, which makes Al Jazeera look like CNN.
HEREThe result of the free and fair choice of the masses in any Arab majority nation, IS, ISLAMISM.
That is one of the main reasons ISIS has ‘achieved’ what it has.
And there is no political cover in blaming the US in 2003 for what has been going on since Karbala, and the near simultaneous emergence of the Khawarij, and made INEVITABLE by the implementation of Sykes-Picot in 1924.
Anyone we armed at best would have been crushed, and thus donated their arms from the USA to ISIS and otherwise would have simply morphed into / dissolved into ISIS because THAT IS WHAT THE MAJORITY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN.
Is there anywhere that the experience in Gaza and Egypt indicated differently? We are NOT going to be able to go from Assad > Jefferson. EVER. That’s HOW IT IS.
So we had no one to arm to be a Henry Jackson of Syria, and there currently IS NO Henry Jackson of Syria.
I am sure however that there are many Nguyen Kao Ky’s, Thieu’s and and Khanh’s. The USA has had PLENTY of experience at picking the wrong people and groups, and ignoring the allies we try to find during our process of incompetent error (Hmong, Kurds)
Why do you think the Iraqi army DISSOLVED in a slightly shaken glass of tea like a sugar cube twice in 11 years? They don;t want to be killed for what will never survive a serious challenge. Next to this our experience with the South Vietnamese Army makes them look like the 300. The Iraqis didn’t yell ‘MOLON LABE’, they whispered ‘here they are’ and SKEDADDLED.
THAT would have been the best case in the real world in arming ‘moderate’ Syrians, as well.
Barack Obama made the right call in not arming those WE HAVE FORCED THE LABEL OF MODERATES ONTO.
What MIGHT have worked is if there was a Nasser, or a Sadat. FOR US. Not anyone else.
But there is not, because the people of the middle east GENUINELY have chosen, and are choosing, RADICAL ISLAMISM, Jihad-ism, which IS the ascendant form of Islam in the world today.
It sucks, but that’s how it is. There is no one TO HAVE ARMED which would have been a group to improve the security of the people of the USA and there is no one but KURDS, today.
DON’T KID YOURSELF. There are NO moderates in Syria whose arming would have, or would now increase the safety and security of the American people.
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Green Energy