Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week

Nicole Kidman.
NICOLE Kidman has made a public stand against terrorism.The actress, joined by 84 other high-profile Hollywood stars, directors, studio bosses and media moguls, has taken out a powerfully-worded full page advertisement in today's Los Angeles Times newspaper. It specifically targets "terrorist organisations" such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine."We the undersigned are pained and devastated by the civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon caused by terrorist actions initiated by terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah and Hamas," the ad reads."If we do not succeed in stopping terrorism around the world, chaos will rule and innocent people will continue to die."We need to support democratic societies and stop terrorism at all costs."Now, is that freakin' hot, or what?
Four U.S. congressmen sponsor bill to cut aid to Hizballah-led Lebanese governmentFrom Jihad Watch (click on title to read the whole thing): Last year, there was also a measure that attempted to cut aid to Lebanon's army over concerns about...
Terrorist Supporter Teaches Next Generation Diplomats From Jawa Report: Pro Hamas, Hezbollah etc supporter. Anti-Zionist, anti 2nd Amendment(guns were responsible for terrorism at Ft Hood not Hasan) etc, "Bassam Frangieh is teaching required course...
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
Actually, I've been kind of looking for an excuse to post a pic of Bruce Willis in this spot for a while. I know he's been a strong supporter of the GWOT, but this just fits perfectly. He has also signed along with current "Babe of the Week"...
Arab Times Editor-in-chief: Israel Is Doing The Arab People A Favor
Man bites dog at the Arab Times: PEOPLE of Arab countries, especially the Lebanese and Palestinians, have been held hostage for a long time in the name of “resisting Israel.” Arab governments have been caught between political obligations and public...
Why The West Must Support Israel
The Telegraph has an interesting article up: Yet after bombarding Lebanon for five days, and causing pain to ordinary civilians unseen since the civil war ended 15 years ago, the international outcry is surprisingly muted. If anything, as the conflict...
Green Energy