Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week

Rebecca Romijn.
Rebecca Romijn? What are her Infidel credentials, you ask?
Well, I say Rebecca is
implicitly an Infidel. If you have to ask, then you would never understand anyway.
Look at that picture, where else could we be treated to such a lovely site but in Dar al-Harb?
And remember, she is an innovator in Burqa-styling, throwing off the restrictions of the

traditional portable concentration camp fashion.
Just look at this example of full-body covering. Very modest, Rebecca.
And, the thing is, in the land of the Infidel, we admire people who are willing to give their all to their craft. Check out Rebecca's death-defying posing in the service of the new vogue. I pulled

my hamstring just looking at her in that position.
Rebecca Romijn, you definately deserve the title Infidel Babe Of The Week. We commend you for your great body of work.
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Green Energy