Green Energy
Infidel Babe of the Week Nomination

French newscaster Melissa Theuriau.
She actually looks even better on video than in still photos...
Check out
A Deeper Look's January 2007 "Featured Videos of the Month" selections for link to video of Melissa reading the news.
Muslim Day Parade 2012
Urban Infidel has the story with photos and videos. Urban Infidel commented: In the years since I first started going to this parade in 2007, it was obvious that the radical elements previously displayed had been tamped down for public relations reasons....
Veena Malik: Infidel Babe Of The Week?
We posted this video of Veena Malik back on March 18th. This morning, our friend Abdoos suggested it would imperil civilization were we to make Veena Infidel Babe of the Week. Always wanting to do our part, we find that we must bring you these photos....
Infidel Piece Of The Week
Help me out here fellas. The infidel babe you have chosen this week is babealicious alright, yo yo yo........very fuckable but is that it? Is that all it takes to be the IBA babe? You disappoint me ....then why not the babe on the left? You are probably...
Muslim Babe Of The Month
From Stogie at Saber Point: Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a tradition of posting an "Infidel Babe of the Week." To be fair, to grant equal time, and to honor multiculturalism with all of its infinite social worth, we have decided to post a "Muslim Babe...
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Salma Hayek. Yeah, she's a People of The Book and all. The Koran says that, someday, the rocks and trees themselves will say, "There's a Jewish girl named Salma hiding behind me. Come slay her." Damn, what a waste that would be. Salma can come...
Green Energy