Green Energy
Infidel Hunk Of the Week: Avigdor Lieberman
I love these kind of moves. Very cool indeed

Lieberman cancels NY speech because of Ahmadinejad
Minister of Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman on Thursday cancelled a planned appearance at the Public Relations Council in New York because Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had spoken there two months before, Israel Radio reported.
Lieberman's ministerial position deals primarily with the threat of Iran's developing nuclear program.
Israeli And Russia Warm Up Together, Us Concerned?
GERTZ:The United States has been increasingly concerned over Israel’s rapproachment with Russia.Analysts said the administration of President Barack Obama has been worried over a growing Israeli alliance with Moscow. They said the concerns intensified...
Avigdor Lieberman Tells European Foreign Ministers: Israel Will Not Be Your Czechoslovakia 2010
From Avi at the Astute Bloggers: Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman has told at least 2 foreign ministers from Europe something they need to think about: dealing with the problems in their own backyards before they concern themselves with...
HMMM: GAZA FLOTILLA PROVOCATIONS SUSPENDEDFrom the Astute Bloggers: IT SEEMS THINGS HAVE CALMED DOWN: HAARETZ: One of the organizers of an Iranian aid flotilla that was to said to Gaza in efforts to break Israel's naval blockade on the territory,...
So, When Is Charles Johnson Going To Come Out In Condemnation Of Israel?
Since he has clearly lost his mind (or, at least so he has in my opinion), I figure anti-Semitism is likely the inevitable next step. And, on what issue will CJ finally come out against Israel? Will it be the "settlements" issue? Or will it be the "nuclear...
Israel: We Won't Solve The Iranian Problem For You
Newsmax: Israel Won't Bomb Iran: Foreign Minister Wednesday, June 3, 2009 8:09 AM MOSCOW -- Israel does not intend to bomb Iran, Israel's foreign minister said Wednesday in the most explicit comments on the matter to date by a top minister of...
Green Energy