Green Energy
Infidel Hunk of The Week

Magdi Allam is an Egyptian-born Italian journalist, noted for his criticism of Islam and his articles on the relations between Western culture and the Islamic world. Once an apologist for Islam, his christening during the Vatican's 2008 Easter vigil service in St. Peter's Basilica presided over by Pope Benedict XVI, made headlines.
Fox: Pope Urges Faithful to Look Beyond Christmas 'Superficial Glitter' in Midnight Mass VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI decried the increasing commercialization of Christmas as he celebrated Christmas Eve Mass on Saturday night, urging the...
Pope's Baptism Of Muslim Is "triumphalist Tool"
No, Peter North is a "triumphalist tool". A Papal baptism the day before Easter is Catholicism being Catholic. From the BBC (with thanks to Bayan): A Muslim scholar involved in high-level dialogue with the Vatican has denounced the Pope's baptism...
Pope Baptizes Muslim Convert Top Story At Drudge Report
Many counter-Jihadis have come to believe that the defeat of large parts of the Western world is inevitable. I have never believed that. We are a very mean people, and we are barbaric and murderous when provoked. However, being that we are so strong...
Pope's In The Hudna: Benedict Plays Cheat And Retreat With The Best Of Jihadis
One day the Pope is talking with Saudi Arabia about making concessions in Catholicism, in order to establish churches in the Kingdom, and the next day he goes major en flagrante, personally baptizing a prominent Muslim convert to Christianity. He ain't...
Muslims Angry At Pope Benedict
Oh oh, the Muslims are angry at Pope Benedict now. And, you know what that will likely mean: Muslim religious leaders have accused Pope Benedict XVI of quoting anti-Islamic remarks during a speech at a German university this week. Questioning the concept...
Green Energy