Iran: Muslims Converting To Christianity En Masse
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Iran: Muslims Converting To Christianity En Masse

Uh oh, people are using their own God-granted free will in Iran. That couldn't be good.

The Iranian government is looking to respond according to the will of Allah.

From Gates of Vienna:

“A Mass Exodus From Islam”

That’s what a Christian missionary in Iran calls the flood of conversions to evangelical Christianity — up to one million in the last five years.

In response, the newly-elected Majlis will discuss instituting an official death penalty for Iranian apostates from Islam. According to AKI:

Iran: Parliament to discuss death penalty for converts who leave Islam Tehran, 19 March (AKI) — In its first session since last week’s general elections, the new Iranian parliament is expected to discuss a law that will condemn to death anyone who decides to leave the Muslim faith and convert to other religions.

The parliament, also known as the Majlis, will debate the new law which has been presented by the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Under the proposed law, anyone who is born to Muslim parents and decides to convert to another faith, will face the death penalty.

Currently converts, particularly those who have decided to leave the Muslim faith for Evangelical churches, are arrested and then released after some years of detention.

The new legislation, which has caused concern in Iran and abroad, was proposed mainly because of fears of proselytising activities by Evangelical churches particularly through the use of satellite channels.

Go read the whole thing over at Gates of Vienna.

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