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A report asserted that Iran has been acquiring and deploying a range of missiles and naval platforms to strike at shipping and energy facilities of its Gulf Arab neighbors. The report by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments said Iran wants to intimidate the United States from operating in the Gulf.
"Iran, with military-technical support from China, North Korea, and Russia, seems intent on developing and fielding a range of A2/AD [anti-access, area denial] capabilities, to include ballistic and cruise missiles -- possibly equipped with WMD warheads -- mobile ASCMs [anti-ship cruise missiles] submarines, small high-speed coastal combatants, and advanced anti-ship mines," the report said.
The new Iranian warship Jamaran fires a missile, reported to be a Noor, a long-range anti-ship missile based on the Chinese C-802, in an exercise in the southern waters of Iran, on March 9. AP/IIPA, Ebrahim Norouzi The report, titled "Why AirSea Battle?", said Iran appeared determined to develop additional capabilities to block U.S. military operations in the Gulf region. The center said Iran could eventually endanger energy production facilities and pipelines of Gulf Cooperation Council states.
Authored by former Pentagon official Andrew Krepinevich, the report said Iran could take advantage of the Gulf, particularly the Strait of Hormuz, which measures 33 nautical miles at its most narrow point. The report said Iran could use its more than 70 bases to attack U.S. and oil ships.
"The IRGC has also built an extensive network of tunnels and underground missile bunkers on these islands, creating what it calls 'static warships,'" the report said. "From this base of operations, Iran hopes to progressively raise the cost to any power -- the United States in particular -- that desires to maintain a military presence in the Persian Gulf."
The report envisioned Iranian mining, cruise missiles, swarming craft and suicide strikes. Eventually, Krepinevich said, Iran could begin to use nuclear weapons.
Iran was said to have an estimated inventory of up to 3,000 mines. IRGC also operates Chinese-origin fast attack craft and hundreds of patrol boats equipped with heavy machine guns and man-portable surface-to-air missiles.
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