Iran doesn't need nukes ..the plan is to make Israel eveywhere insecure or deadly to live in
MAJOR UPDATES AT BOTTOM Before the 2006 'war' in Lebanon, Hizballah had been estimated to have had up to 7000 rockets ranging on Israel from south of the Litani river.
It then turned out that with Zelzal missiles from Iran they could hit most of Israel from almost anywhere they chose to launch from in Lebanon. Israel struck ineffectively with very weak leadership and a horrible plan and the west and the UN acted to impose a cease fire. Israel lost American support as it seemed that she had leadership unwilling and/or unable to do the heavy lifting needed to destroy, at a minimum, the fighting forces of Hizballah and their weapons.
It turned out they also had modern Chinese C-802 guided, sea skimming anti shipping missiles from Iran, as well as modern Kornet anti tank missiles from Russia as a freighter and the Israeli Saar destroyer were hit.
In every way possible Hizballah was underestimated.
Today Hizballah is estimated to have more than twice the armaments they had before, and have done well under the protective umbrella of the UN and French troops in effect guarding them.
Meanwhile the other aggressor in the 2006 war, HAMAS spent it's time after Israel gave them what they demanded, Gaza, in 2005, launching on 1948 Israel, until action against them dictated they accept a truce. How did arabs BTW regard this truce? Once the truce went into effect as we can see, the Hudabiyah effect was in full force as the time was used to build bunkers, tunnels, underground launch facilities in residential areas, and bring in longer range Iranian missiles which we can now see can reach everywhere on this map reaching almost to the Jerusalem suburbs at the top right of this map. Missiles have fallen on Beersheba, and Ashdod as well as Ashkelon. Upon an IDF ground attack we may yet discover that HAMAS too has the Kornet missiles
With the Shebaa farms abutting the Golan in hot dispute, why wouldn't Iran use its cat's paws north and south as they did in 2006, only this time keep the rockets coming as HAMAS did? What are the odds of them killing 'disproportionately' with the weapons they have? Their strategic aim would be to make 'normal' life impossible for jews as warnings for incoming rockets would be from seconds to a very few minutes (like 3) as sirens went off across Israel from Haifa to Dimona. The ultimate aim of this strategy is to kill the will of the jews to live in their own homeland under such a set of circumstances.
Any Israeli response would find just what this one does. Calls from the risk averse western man to be reasonable and run away from crude rockets or inflict only minimal damage in return with high precision weapons.
Israel will have to stand up for itself. Without the slightest compunction. But beyond this lies the real threat which is unchallenged and in safety...Iran If Iran is allowed to continue in this endeavor we are going to be facing a very difficult situation, and Israel a much worse one. Take Iran out of this equation, and we have a VERY VERY different world.
Hamas Fires Long-Range Chinese Rockets at Israel
Israeli officials say that Hamas has also acquired dozens of Iranian-made Fajr-3 missiles with an even longer range. Many fear that as the group acquires ever more sophisticated weaponry it is only a matter of time before the nuclear installation at Dimona, 20 miles east of Beersheba, falls within its sights. Dimona houses Israel’s only nuclear reactor and is believed to be where it stores warheads for its nuclear missiles.
Israel’s worst nightmare is that soon all its cities will be within range either of the Hezbollah Katyushas arrayed on the Lebanese border to the north or the increasingly sophisticated missiles stockpiled by Hamas to the south. Both groups have links to Israel’s archenemy Iran.
JTA: WikiLeaks: Iran can reach Israel in 12 minutes January 2, 2011 JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Iran has missiles that can reach Israel in 12 minutes, according to cables released by WikiLeaks. Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi told a U.S. Congressional...
- More Threats From Iran
Newsmax: Iran: We Can Hit Israel's Nukes Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:55 PM TEHRAN, Iran -- The head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard said Saturday that his country has the capability to strike Israel's nuclear facilities and wouldn't...
- Iran Ready To Strike At Israel's Nuclear Heart
From the Times of London (thanks to Michael): Iran has moved ballistic missiles into launch positions, with Israel's Dimona nuclear plant among the possible targets, defence sources said last week. The movement of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an...
- Striking 'beyond Haifa" May Not Be A Bunch Of Hooey
Culled from various sources ...including Statfor, Globalsecurity, and Spacewar .. There is mass confusion in the news media about the names and ranges of various missiles in the Iranian, North Korean, and now certainly the Hizbollah arsenal (that is CERTAIN)....
- Iran, Now Today, Has Missiles That Put Europe In Range
This is a 1936 Luftwaffe Alert JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Iran has received a first shipment of missiles from North Korea that are capable of reaching Europe, Israel's military intelligence chief was quoted on...