Green Energy
Iranians have no problem with priorities -back anyone who kills americans, including those who want them dead
Captured documents confirm Iran backing for all sides against U.S. in Iraq
The U.S. military has found evidence that Iran helped train and equip Al Qaida's network in Iraq as well as Shi'ite insurgents. The U.S. military has been analyzing Iranian intelligence memorandums and other reports that detail Teheran's support of Al Qaida in Iraq. The captured Iranian documents represent the strongest confirmation of long-standing assessments that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is aiding both Sunni and Shi'ite insurgents in an effort to undermine Iraq and expel the U.S.-led coalition.

"The documents have been determined as authentic and provide the most detailed evidence of Iran's strategy in Iraq," an official said. "In short, Iran has been helping everybody, with the possible exception of the Saddam people, against us."
The U.S. military obtained the Iranian documents in December 2006 during the arrest of suspected Iranian intelligence commanders in Baghdad. The documents had been in possession of a suspected commander known only as Chizari. Chizari was captured inside a compound of Shi'ite leader Abdul Aziz Hakim, who earlier met President George Bush.
All okay as long as you just kill americans
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