Green Energy
Iraq and gay freedom!

A strong democratic Iraq will a beacon for anybody in the Middle east who longs for freedom. There more Middle Eastern people who love freedom than those who don't. It is logical, if we ask Sharansky, he'll tell us!
On the security strategy level for all of us, a free Iraq opens up the Middle East and starts crushing Islamofascim. Imagine the possibilities.
Our good friend, Fayrouz in America just published some good news about the social progress of her native Iraq, where , we must remember Americans and many others are risking their lives to bring freedom and peace to Iraqis. This is big and I hope here at IBA we are NOT forgeting Iraqis and the their allies even though we are so buzy on many fronts.
So, here is the news: LGBT - Iraqi Gay Rights Organization
"Last October, I talked about the existence of the >gay and lesbian community in Iraq. I also talked about how they live in state of fear under the new Islamic-oriented Iraqi constitution and government. Things got more complicated for them when Sistani's Web site posted a fatwa calling for the killing of homosexuals in Iraq.
Yesterday, this post on Virtually Islamic caught my eyes:
UK Gay News, Sistani Removes 'Death to Gays' Fatwa from Website. But anti-lesbian fatwa remains, 15 May 2006...
The amusing twist to grand-papa Sistani's position on homosexually is very intriguing. Men can now enjoy one another without the official fatwa on their passionate exchanges, but not women, anyone gets it? This is to be continued.

Note on the artist:
I met Yvon Goulet during our University years, ages ago. Yvon is internationally recognized today for his beautiful art work which mostly covers the gay world.
A few years ago, he was invited in the Emirates for an interesting art event, but he had to decline for fear for his life. Yvon is a great guy, very funny, educated and entertaining he can win the heart of any homophobe... I have witnessed it many times.
Yvon Goulet, artist, Montreal, Quebec / Canada -- Quad
Yvon Goulet, collection numerique Banque National du Quebec Click on his name, to see very interesting pieces, you might also recognize some people!
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Green Energy