Green Energy
Is GEICO Islamophobic?
Everybody knows that cute GEICO mascot, right?

Well, it turns out that Moslems hate geckos. Really. Why? Because geckos are infidels, of course.
Another astoundingly
weird fact about Islam:
[Ex-Muslim] Rashid recently examined the theological implications of Muhammad's hatred for the gecko lizard, which the prophet accused of being "an infidel and enemy of the believers." Muslims who kill it in the first strike receive 100 "heavenly-points," whereas those who kill it in two strikes receive only 70.
Now for something really disgusting:
More graphically, [Coptic priest] Fr. Zakaria recently examined canonical hadiths (authenticated Muslim accounts) that record Islam's first believers eating Muhammad's feces, marinating food in his sweat, drinking the water he gargled and spit out, and smearing his phlegm all over their faces—all to his approval.
As Raymond Ibrahim's essay concludes:
[S]illy cartoons of Muhammad are the least of Muslims' problems.
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What Did You Say About Muhammad?!
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Mohammed The Cross-dressing Prophet
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Let The Fun Begin
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Green Energy