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Is He The One?

Barack Obama, Superstar, do you think you're who they say you are?
Oprah Winfrey famously proclaimed that he is the One. And, indeed, Barack Obama's following does sometimes behave as if they have found their messiah:
Obama supporter Kathleen Geier writes that she's "getting increasingly weirded out by some of Obama's supporters. On listservs I'm on, some people who should know better – hard-bitten, not-so-young cynics, even – are gushing about Barack…
Describing various encounters with Obama supporters, she writes, "Excuse me, but this sounds more like a cult than a political campaign. The language used here is the language of evangelical Christianity – the Obama volunteers speak of 'coming to Obama' in the same way born-again Christians talk about 'coming to Jesus.'...So I say, we should all get a grip, stop all this unseemly mooning over Barack, see him and the political landscape he is a part of in a cooler, clearer, and more realistic light, and get to work."
Joe Klein, writing at Time, notes "something just a wee bit creepy about the mass messianism" he sees in Obama's Super Tuesday speech.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for," Obama said. "This time can be different because this campaign for the presidency of the United States of America is different. It's different not because of me. It's different because of you."
Says Klein: "That is not just maddeningly vague but also disingenuous: the campaign is entirely about Obama and his ability to inspire. Rather than focusing on any specific issue or cause — other than an amorphous desire for change — the message is becoming dangerously self-referential. The Obama campaign all too often is about how wonderful the Obama campaign is. “
The always interesting James Wolcott writes that "(p)erhaps it's my atheism at work but I found myself increasingly wary of and resistant to the salvational fervor of the Obama campaign, the idealistic zeal divorced from any particular policy or cause and chariot-driven by pure euphoria. I can picture President Hillary in the White House dealing with a recalcitrant Republican faction; I can't picture President Obama in the same role because his summons to history and call to hope seems to transcend legislative maneuvers and horse-trading; his charisma is on a more ethereal plane, and I don't look to politics for transcendence and self-certification."
Then there's MSNBC's Chris Matthews who tells Felix Gillette in the New York Observer, “I’ve been following politics since I was about 5. I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament."
When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing -- they believe in anything.
Forget "Hail to the Chief" and "Yes, We Can." Obama finally has a theme song that suits his governing ability. Pathetic. Laughable in oh-so-many ways: Democrats frustrated by Obama's "Big Bird" campaign turn WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In 2008, singer...
What is WRONG with these people? From this source: President Obama’s campaign has issued increasingly urgent fundraising pleas, and the latest appears to capitalize on the record heat sweeping through the mid-Atlantic and Midwest. “Keep cool...
Obama Campaign: Supporters Should Snitch On Their Republican Friends
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White House Insider; "the President Is Losing It"
From Director Blue: It hasn't gotten much press, but a former White House insider has reportedly dished the dirt on President Obama -- and the revelations sound plausible indeed. ...Obama loved to campaign. He clearly didn’t like the work of being...
A Cuban Che Guevara Flag In Obama's Houston Office
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