Green Energy

It would seem so, and Reliapundit from the Astute Bloggers has the story:
Hezbollah is rehearsing for something big here. Not sure what or when. But a few days ago, between 4,000 and 5,000 HezB gunmen deployed to the Christian areas of Beirut in an unsettling “show of force,” positioning themselves at road intersections and other key points throughout the city.
Two additional objectives were achieved: First, the operation served as a probing action to determine local reaction. Second, it served as an exercise to gauge the time required (speed, synchronization, etc.) to achieve the key points and intersections.
Amazingly, there was no response from the police or the army.HezB is also jamming cell-phone signals almost daily. Their lookouts are everywhere, at least from my vantage point, because they are watching the people I'm with and me.
HezB is also far better armed, equipped, and tactically proficient than most Americans might realize. They are terrorists to be sure: But they are also a very strong Iranian-trained guerrilla force here in Lebanon, and they seem to be getting a pass from far too many people in high places.
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Hizballah Declares War On Lebanon
That's right, a political party within Lebanon has declared war on Lebanon. This political party is unlike any political party the United States has ever seen. They dominate certain territories of the country, they have their own television network...
"arab World Fed Up With Hizbullah"
Photo: Hezbollah recruits being sworn in. For more on the influence of Nazism in the Middle-East, click here. To quote Bob Dylan: "The times they are a changin". Well, at least in the Mid-East. A little bit, anyway. Not as much as we'd like, of...
Green Energy