Green Energy
Is there anything more cynically disgusting than those trying to make political gain out of Ms Gifford?
From Paul Krugman to Chris Matthews to Clyburn’s INCREDIBLE call for a new fairness doctrine to Kos to HuffPo and on and on, the sado-masochistic flogging of those not of the right but TO THE RIGHT of the left, who have had the temerity to recall the thoughts of John Adams and his friends and family, as the root cause of the Tuscon mass murder via ultra nut,AND THE CAUSE OF THE NEXT MASS MURDER, has all the earmarks of a smirking smile of ‘secret knowledge’ by these looting loathers of liberty since these completely delusional fabricators of alternate reality cannot conceive of a world in which others who hold to any other principle other than a commonly held social conscience of their own design can be anything but evildoers.
What is it that can change these monors into humans who can admit of some middle ground or discourse?
These are the same people moaning over a necessary set of compromises their elected president is compelled to make.

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Green Energy