Green Energy
Islam--Is It Only for Countries with Low IQ?

Hong Kong (PRC) | 107 | Russia | 96 | Fiji | 84 |
South Korea | 106 | Slovakia | 96 | Iran | 84 |
Japan | 105 | Uruguay | 96 | Marshall Islands | 84 |
Taiwan (ROC) | 104 | Portugal | 95 | Puerto Rico (US) | 84 |
Singapore | 103 | Slovenia | 95 | Egypt | 83 |
Austria | 102 | Israel | 94 | India | 81 |
Germany | 102 | Romania | 94 | Ecuador | 80 |
Italy | 102 | Bulgaria | 93 | Guatemala | 79 |
Netherlands | 102 | Ireland | 93 | Barbados | 78 |
Sweden | 101 | Greece | 92 | Nepal | 78 |
Switzerland | 101 | Malaysia | 92 | Qatar | 78 |
Belgium | 100 | Thailand | 91 | Zambia | 77 |
China (PRC) | 100 | Croatia | 90 | Congo-Brazzaville | 73 |
New Zealand | 100 | Peru | 90 | Uganda | 73 |
United Kingdom | 100 | Turkey | 90 | Jamaica | 72 |
Hungary | 99 | Indonesia | 89 | Kenya | 72 |
Poland | 99 | Suriname | 89 | South Africa | 72 |
Australia | 98 | Colombia | 89 | Sudan | 72 |
Denmark | 98 | Brazil | 87 | Tanzania | 72 |
France | 98 | Iraq | 87 | Ghana | 71 |
Norway | 98 | Mexico | 87 | Nigeria | 67 |
United States | 98 | Samoa | 87 | Guinea | 66 |
Canada | 97 | Tonga | 87 | Zimbabwe | 66 |
Czech Republic | 97 | Lebanon | 86 | Congo-Kinshasa | 65 |
Finland | 97 | Philippines | 86 | Sierra Leone | 64 |
Spain | 97 | Cuba | 85 | Ethiopia | 63 |
Argentina | 96 | Morocco | 85 | Equatorial Guinea | 59 |
Table courtesy of Wikipedia
Map courtesy of R. Pongett
The tabular data above comes from Lynn and Vanhanen's IQ and the Wealth of Nations. For a good review of Richard Lynn's more recent and comprehensive Race Differences in Intelligence, look here.
Here is another fine analysis of the concept of GDP vs. IQ--with the element of free market rules thrown in.
Of muslim nations, Malaysia has the highest average IQ, 92. Malaysia's population contains 30% ethnic Chinese. Turkey has the second highest average IQ of muslim nations at 90. All other muslim nations have average IQ's of less than 90--some of them much less.
It is possible that some individual nations are misplaced on the above table, with average IQs either a bit higher or a bit lower than stated. But it is possible to detect trends by looking at different groupings of nations and their average IQ.
Given that population average IQ needs to be at least 90 for a modern technology based nation to function, immigration policy should be oriented toward inviting high value immigrants.
Observing what happened to Zimbabwe's prosperity after Robert Mugabe drove the most prosperous (and presumably most intelligent) farmers from their land, provides a good example of what NOT to do. Idi Amin's actions in Uganda provide another example. Fidel Castro's actions in Cuba provide a third. You don't want to drive out your intelligent and resourceful groups.
Update (26Dec06): Visit this Fourmilab page for a graphic illustration of the change in average global IQ with projected population trends. Accompanying the animated graphic is a thoughtful discussion of some of the issues involved in projecting trends in global intelligence.
Thanks to an Audacious Epigone commenter.
Originally published at Al Fin under a different name, and previously posted at Al Fin Potpourri under the same name.
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Green Energy