Green Energy
Islam Is A Political Organization - It Needs To Be Classified As Such
Frank Hilliard is the man! He is the blogger at Mesopotamia West. I had never heard of his blog until today, when he came and commented here. His comment is highly worthwhile:
One way to deal with Islam that hasn't been fully discussed is to reclassify it as a political organization. Since the major difference between Islam and all other religions is that it wants to establish its own laws, and since the establishment, administration and maintenance of laws is the sole purpose of government, it follows that what we have in Islam is a political project wrapped in the candy coating of a religious community. Once we describe it for what it is, we can then require it to fund its activities in an open way, can more closely monitor its leaders and can tax is properly. Taking this a bit further, I think any close monitoring of any Islamic congregation would quickly find someone advocating sedition. Since this is a serious crime, we could then arrest, charge and convict these Imams of this crime. In other words, let's crack down on the source of terrorism, the heart of darkness, that is Islam.I have been saying for awhile now that Islam, in that it advocates for the imposition of Sharia law around the world, is committing sedition. Sharia is the Islamic constitution (in fact, it is the constitution in Saudi Arabia), therefore, advocating for Sharia is advocating for the overthrow of the existing Constitution.
Mr. Hilliard's idea goes a step further, though. My point is unworkable. His would work.
Thanks for leaving that comment here, sir.
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Green Energy