Green Energy
Islam porn

Readers of blogs are maybe unaware of the fact, that behind the blog, the webmaster has different possibilities besides maintaining the blog. He/she can edit, change or delete subjects. Also there are possibilities to check statistics and so forth. You can also see which search terms people used to find your blog for example by google etc.
On my blog Hodjas blog I noticed that almost every day some readers got there by the way of an "Islam porn" search or "Islam sex" and so on. As I do not have much sex besides one or two burkha clad halfnaked women, I decided to satisfy my readers, also, as you might know most surfers for porn are from muslim countries, if they don't think it is good enough they can go to Iraq:
Why do they come to un-godly Denmark for porn - maybe because they think we live this way:

Bu I'm sorry to disappoint them - things are more like this in the west:
And that is not so coranic :-)
How Much Manure Does A Horse Produce?
Every once in awhile, I check out our SiteMeter to see where our readers are coming from. We get readers from YidWithLid, Jihad Watch, Weasel Zippers, and other anti-Jihad sites. And, we also get readers from Google Searches. Today, I clicked on one of...
Is Google From Hell? Updated Updated Updated At Bottom
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs is very upset that Google has done something which has caused her blog to no longer be a resource for information on the Jihad. If you don't believe that Google does this type of thing, then click here. Not a single hit is directed...
Iba Best Small Counter-jihadi Blog Nominations
A "small blog" is defined as a blog with less than 500 readers a day. Now, truth is, we don't always know the size of the blog, because many blogs do not publish their Site Meter stats, but let's just estimate here. I think we all kind of have...
(Note: though this post deals with a personal matter, I think it’s relevant to all of us as bloggers.) I’m not an aficionado of Internet activism. I don’t go signing online petitions thinking they could actually change the world. I wouldn’t have...
Open Letter To Reformist Muslims
I wrote something. It's on my blog. Check it out. Unlike some of my fellow believers I don't think that the recent glut of Westerners calling for the reformation of Islam is due solely to an imperial Western ambition. I believe that much of non-Muslim...
Green Energy