Green Energy
Islamic Barbarism On The Streets Of London
From the Daily Mail:
Drummer Lee Rigby, the victim |
Paramedic sent to treat horrifically injured soldier Lee Rigby 'saw killer sharpening his meat cleaver' in aftermath of attack
- Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale accused of 'hacking him to death'
- Drummer Rigby was knocked down and 'almost decapitated' in Woolwich
- Paramedic Daniel Middleton said one 'was sharpening his meat cleavers'
- Witness says killers 'smirked' and 'posed for photographs' with weapons
- Vikki Cave spoke to suspects who talked of 'religion and Afghanistan'
- Pregnant witness thought contractions had started when she saw attack
- Both deny Lee Rigby's murder and conspiracy to murder a police officer
The Islamic savage is proud of what he did. He displays his bloodied hands as badges of honor.
After all, he committed his vile deed in the name of Allah.
And what punishment will the court system in the UK assigned to this savage?
A lifetime behind bars for the next 30+ years?
At the taxpayers' cost, of course.
That Means I Have The Right To Kill Seamus Milne
Labor Party Spokesman Seamus Milne wrote an Editorial in the Guardian today stating that the Jihadist Michael Adebolajo had a right to behead Lee Righy, because, "the whole world is a battlefield": Woolwich attack: If the whole world's a battlefield,...
From The Mouth Of The Enemy
Via Jihad Watch (citing the Telegraph): The Islamist killers of Drummer Lee Rigby erupted into violence in an Old Bailey courtroom as they were sentenced for murder. Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, had to be manhandled out of court...
Every Version Of Islam Is Bad
The UK Spectator wrote about the trial of the two jihadists who murdered Lee Rigby in Woolwich. But while they do have some good points to raise, it becomes problematic when the writer says that: ...the murder of Drummer Rigby had everything to do with...
London: Muslim Campus Group Puts Out Video Claiming The Jihad Murder Of Lee Rigby Was A "false Flag Event" Using Fake Blood
From the Daily Mail Video posted on YouTube by London Metropolitan University groupFilm claims that Lee Rigby's death was a conspiracy and used 'fake blood'Six-minute video named 'Woolwich false flag b*******' seen by 300,000 peopleLMU...
British Imam, Anjem Choudhary: Soldier Hacked To Death By Jihadists In Woolwich Will “burn In Hellfire”
He has a right to say this AND I'm glad he is saying it. You just gotta love your enemies, when they tell the truth. Murdered soldier Lee Rigby will ‘burn in hellfire’ and those who killed him should be considered martyrs, hate preacher Anjem...
Green Energy