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Islamic Supremacist Nominated as UC Student Regent
With thanks to Will at THE OTHER NEWS:
A UC Berkeley senior who is a venomous supporter of the jihad against Israel and member of several Islamic supremacist groups with links to jihad terror has been nominated to become the University of California student regent for the 2014-15 academic year.
The student regent participates in a board that sets policies for the entire University of California system, which consists of ten campuses throughout the state. Sadia Saifuddin is expected to be confirmed as student regent by the full Board of Regents next month.
The hijabbed Saifuddin would be the first Muslim student regent. “My faith,” she explained, “is a big part of my life. What I love the most about Islam is that it preaches tolerance and love, which is the reason that I have close friends and networks outside of the Muslim community as well.”
Yet Saifuddin’s record at UC-Berkeley is hardly one of tolerance and love. She co-sponsored a BDS resolution in the Berkeley student Senate, calling on the entire University of California system to divest companies that do business with Israel, based on the spurious premise that Israel is “occupying” Palestinian territory.
About SJP UC Berkeley Muslim Student Association
Saifuddin, a member of both Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA), also spearheaded “A Resolution Condemning Islamophobic Hate Speech at the University of California,” which the student Senate passed unanimously. Saifuddin herself wrote the resolution, which claimed that “since September 11, 2001, Islamophobia has become the latest ‘hazing’ technique across the United States and has created a chilling effect for Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians in their communities, work-environments, and campuses,” and that “according to a Gallup Study, 60% of of [sic] Muslim Americans say that Muslims face prejudice from Americans.”
In fact, the very concept of “Islamophobia” is a blunt instrument in the hands of Islamic supremacists, designed to intimidate non-Muslims into thinking that resisting jihad terror is “hateful.” And reality does not back up its existence: the British journalist Brendan O’Neill gave the truth behind such claims in theTelegraph last April, in the wake of the Boston Marathon jihad bombings:
In the years since 9/11, the American public has been admirably tolerant towards Muslim communities. According to federal crime stats collected by the FBI, in 2009 there were 107 anti-Muslim hate crimes; in a country of 300 million people that is a very low number. In 2010, a year of great terrorism panic following the attempt by Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad to detonate a car bomb in Times Square in NYC, there were 160 anti-Muslim hate crimes. In 2011, there were 157. To see how imaginary the Islamophobic mob is, consider a state like Texas, fashionably mocked as a backward Hicksville full of Fox News-watching morons: there are 420,000 Muslims in Texas, yet in 2011 there were only six anti-Muslim hate crimes there. It simply isn’t true that mad racist Yanks are biting at the bit to attack Muslims.
No actual hate crimes are ever justified. In light of her hysterical exaggeration of the supposed “climate of hate” against Muslims in America since 9/11, however, clearly Saifuddin is joining Islamic supremacist advocacy groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in using hate crimes to deflect attention from the reality of jihad activity and bully Americans into thinking that it is wrong and bigoted to oppose jihad terror and Islamic supremacism. Hamas-linked CAIR and other Muslims have not hesitated to fabricate “hate crimes.” CAIR and other groups like it want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they can use them for political points and as weapons to intimidate people into remaining silent about the jihad threat.
Saifuddin’s resolution makes clear its objective to stymie counter-terror efforts when it complains that “Muslim students have been targeted for surveillance by the FBI in Orange County, who said that they are paying particular attention to Muslim students at UC Irvine and UCLA,” and that “this surveillance is occurring on the East Coast as well, with the New York Police Department surveillance of Muslim students at Yale, Columbia, Syracuse, Rutgers, New York University, and Brooklyn College.” It asserts that “these racist and selective surveillance procedures are justified by figures in mainstream media, such as David Horowitz, who defines the core mission of the MSA to ‘advance the Islamic Jihad against the Jews and Christians of the Middle East, and ultimately against the United States.’’

Logo of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Saifuddin offers no evidence to counter Horowitz’s assertion or explain why surveillance of MSA members, who are Muslims of all races, is “racist.” In reality, Horowitz is correct.
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