Green Energy

Danish pop singer Medina was greeted at a concert by Muslim youths who threw rotten eggs towards the stage. Initial reports tell us that Medina chastised them directly, and went on to finish her show. Now the motivation for the attack: Muslim youth do not approve of her name- Medina being the second holiest city of the religion of tolerance - and refer to the singer as "the traveling moehummoed cartoon". Medina is a popular name in Chile, where the young stars father is from...
This is just the price we pay for the privilege of living with all the Moderate Muslims that you will see coming out of the woodwork to condemn this attack.
Washington Post Lies About Islam
Today, I stumbled across this, originally published on February 3, 2014: COMMENTARY: Blasphemy charges pervert Islam’s teachings ...Regarding free speech, the Quran recognizes and protects free speech and expression in more than 40 instances.... [...]...
First Ever Photo Of Mohammed At The Beach, Medina, C. 625
I was snooping around the sub-basement at the local archives today and to my complete amazement I saw a box of old vacation photos that came from Medina, Arabia. I took a peek, and there, lo and behold, was a shot of Mohammed at the beach with a couple...
The On/off Story Of Aisha
Here we go again. Muslims are dictating what we shall and shall not read. It’s that book about Aisha again – the little tot that their marauding prophet took as his wife. The book, by Sherry Jones, is called The Jewel of Medina, which I've blogged...
Deconstructing Islamocapitalism
Mustafa Akyol writes, on a conservative e-zine, TCS, that Islam can embrace Capitalism. First he acknowledges that fundamentalist Muslims hate Capitalism as un-Islamic but claims they are wrong. Let’s consider his claim: Claim: Mohammad was a “successful...
Mohammad The Terrorist
James M. Arlandson at The American Thinker has an excellent summary of how Mohammad silenced his critics after he came to power in Medina. It's a good intro for those new to the study of Islam. Impress your friends in the next debate!...
Green Energy