Two Al Qaeda-affiliated websites are calling on jihadists to "slaughter" the third in line to the throne.
There will now be an urgent review of his security and the prince may have to curb his fondness for nightclubs. Many UK Muslims have praised his sense of duty, however, even while condemning the war.
Harry is due back in Britain on an RAF flight this morning. He will be met by Prince William then head for Highgrove and a reunion with his father Prince Charles.
After news of his presence in Afghanistan leaked out, senior defence chiefs quickly agreed that allowing him to stay would increase the risk to his fellow soldiers.
Taliban insurgents were already vowing to step up attacks on British forces.
The prince was said to be bitterly disappointed that his posting to Helmand had to be cut short after a U.S. website broke an international media agreement not to reveal it.
Security sources said the terrorist threats against Harry were being taken seriously.
The prince is guarded, even while he is on Army duties, by a team of officers from the Metropolitan Police's elite SO14 Royalty and Diplomatic Protection Department.
Members of the squad went with him to Afghanistan, although they stayed on an army base, leaving Harry alone in the field.
Concerns about Harry's safety were deepened when firebrand preacher Anjem Choudhary, of the extremist Al Muhajiroun group, accused him of endorsing an "illegal war".
He said: "I think it is inevitable that anyone who engages in these activities is going to draw attention to themselves. He will be seen as part of the enemy and so he is a target.
"For Harry to participate has absolutely no justification. For people to say he is being brave and doing his job is simply wrong.
"Many wiser and braver men have decided not to participate and have objected and demonstrated against these wars. They should be the ones declared as heroes."
Hate preacher Omar Bakri, now in Lebanon, said: "Harry should condemn the fact that British forces are in a strange land fighting strange people who speak a different language."
Catherine Heseltine of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee warned that many might find Harry's "glorification" of war offensive. She said: "It is not the way to talk about a war where so many Muslims have lost their lives - men, women and children, innocent civilians. It is not an adventure, it is not exciting."

Dumbfuck Islamonazi, Omar Bakri
How do you like that? The taqiyya-masters at MPAC now have a woman with an English name serving as their spokesperson.
I am so fooled.
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