Green Energy
It appears that someone in Ohio has decided who the liars are

Someone dumped a load of horse manure on the Democratic Party Headquarters in Warren County Ohio.
Perhaps when querying the Almighty as to why such a thing could have occurred the democratic party strategists might consider something.
They have been spending every dollar they have trying to convince the public that when the republicans are not trying get transvaginal wands jammed into wimmin’ to stop their choice, the Republicans are lying about everything they have to say, especially about taxes.
And defense.
And foreign policy.
And rich people.
And poor people.
And the budget.
And themselves.
And fairness.
And Obama’s record.
And business.
And Bain.
And Anne’s therapy.
And energy.
Well now that I think about, one of their top officials did say for the record that every time Mitt opens his mouth a lie comes out.
Perhaps this load for the Ohio Dems is someone’s way of telling the dems who might be fibbing.
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Green Energy