It is NOT Tinfoil Paranoia
Green Energy

It is NOT Tinfoil Paranoia

Pastorius and I bantered on a thread about this a week or 10 days ago. So it was some small surprise and some large relief to find this at The Gunslinger's Journal. Pasto and I aren't crazy!. (Peanut gallery just keep mum)

Something is just wrong. And I don't mean oh there's a war going on but look at the level of weirdness here.

"Beheadings. Hangings from Cranes. Dictators hung. Stonings. Catastrophic tidal waves. Asian nations that can't feed their populations but can afford nukes toe to toe. Crashing economy. Some neophyte from outta nowhere with no record becomes President. Rogue scientists selling nuke know how to insane religious fanatics. Some arch villain straight out of a 2nd rate Bond movie first knocks down The Towers, kills 3,000 in a moment and now MAY have the ability to kill scores times that with a nuke but can't be found (there is no real James Bond), and if not him then same said religious fanatics may launch one off a trawler and ala ANOTHER Bond movie, send the U.S. back to the 1700's.

Crucifixions for pete's sake?!?!?"

If I were a Star Wars Fan (I think I'm the ONLY person in the universe who isn't) I'd describe it as a massive disruption in the force. Nothing you can put your finger on. Just a gut feeling. An instinctual overwhelming sense of dread.

The Gunslinger asks "Why are we being reminded over and over about using the military to protect the population in event of an emergency?" What the fuck's up?

She centerpunches a dime at 100 yds with a .45 here (I'm extremely happy to report this lady's on OUR side when the showdown comes).

Enough of my babble. From The Gunslinger:

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Posse Comitatus
There has been some buzz about this subject for a while now, and it appears it's not just a "black helicopter" paranoid's delusion.There is something on the horizon that our Rulers fears. They are not telling us, of course. Don't want to panic the little people. But something is up, or they would not be softening us up with talk of the Military being used domestically to "take care of us" in case of an emergency.

Whether they expect a serious uprising, or a monumental terrorist attack, or whether it's just the next step in the STATE's bid for total power, it's hard to say.

I'm starting to feel like I need a tinfoil hat, here. I'd prefer to be skeptical, but U.S. Militaary operations within the borders is as new and dreadful and anti-Constitutional as it gets.

And with Zero soon to be "Commander-In-Chief" it could hardly be more dangerous, considering his very casual relationship with the Constitution.Sometimes I think I'm just being paranoid.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm being paranoid enough.

The Gunslinger

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