Green Energy
It will be worse in a week than today...WHY NOT DANCE?
By now there are few not cognizant of the fact that the pope mentioning a 700 year old treatise by a european emperor who claimed that Islam had a violent proclivity has now proven that 700 years later Islam has a violent proclivity.

And if it weren't for the death already recorded, and those yet coming thru the incitement of the foaming, spittle licked, sword waving imams who will undoubtedly be accusing jews and the CIA of masterminding this, and controlling the pope, this could NOT be funnier
Symbols of peaceful religion follow.....
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China Forces Imams To Synchronize Dance And Not Teach Islam To Children And Say That Prayer Is Bad For The Soul
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Turkish Cleric Says Criticism Of Islam Is A Threat To World Peace
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From Vatican Reporter:
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And In Another Huge Shock - Pope Must Die
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There It Is - Right Out Of The Horses Mouth
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Green Energy