Green Energy
It's a Bird...Its a Plane...Its...???

No, it not Superman! Its
...the IBA Mystery Object of the Month!
What, you say? There is no such thing as the "IBA Mystery Object of the Month"?
Well, there oughta be. After all, there's an Infidel Babe of the Week...there's even a Hunk.
Why not a Monthly or Weekly Quiz? (Is that idea ever corny or what :-)
In any event, rather than posting the story about the object (above), I thought it might be fun to allow people to guess, before finding out by going to the story here.
(I was about to type "Your'e not gonna believe this"-- but on second thought, once you read the article you probably will...its not all that surprising, actually).
(Cinnamon Stillwell works in myterious ways? . . . I wonder?)
It Wasn't Because Of A Kitten At All. Dc Just Lacks Courage To Be Honest
In this earlier post, I noted the hilarious claim by DC that they nixed the original story in Superman #712 that it was replaced because of a kitten-rescuing scene. But now, in this posting on leftist Comics Alliance, Chris Sims, the man who implied he...
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
Sorry, Pasto, I don't intend to abuse my posting privileges here and I have no idea who chooses the infidel hunks and hunkettes (of which I disapprove anyway), but this specimen is so far "off" that I HAD to post this to avoid mental flatulence....
This Week On The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, that AlwaysOnWatch and I co-host. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time. Friday, January 25: We have three guests scheduled for this week: Cinnamon Stillwell of...
Babe/hunk Of The Week
I guess I was a bit slow on this, but I've been a little busy this week. I saw the Phoebe Cates Babe of the Week, and the Star Wars Hunk of the Week, so I had to post the Fu2rman All-Time Babe. In case you're curious, check it out. You may or...
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
I have searched and searched my mind for an appropriate hunk to go along with the early 80s Phoebe Cates Babe, and I can't think of a thing in terms of guys I liked at that time that wouldn't earn me some BIG laughs nowadays. So unless you guys...
Green Energy