Green Energy
It's Beginning To Look More and More and More and More and More and More and More Like the Murder of Ambassador Stevens Was a Set-Up
As I've been saying for a couple weeks now.From Doug Ross at Director Blue:
It's a conspiracy theory, to be sure, but "Kozy" asserts the Benghazi attack was an "October Surprise" gone awry thanks to two SEALs who weren't even supposed to be in Benghazi.
The scenario is both simple and plausible:

• In June, Egyptian President Morsi pledged to secure the release of 'The Blind Sheikh', the extremist cleric responsible for the first World Trade Center attack.
• Eager to accommodate Morsi and strengthen the U.S. relationship with Egypt, Obama's henchmen formulate a two-step cover story. The first step is a video that no one has seen, which was released in July.
• Next, strip security from the Libyan Ambassador, despite pleas from a variety of quarters for more security, not less. In essence, remove any barriers to using the Ambassador as a hostage.
• Back-channel communications between the White House and the Imam's legal representatives confirm that a swap can be achieved with a high-level hostage exchange. The Imam's cronies are informed that Ambassador Stevens has no security in Benghazi. So the Imam can be secured through a trade after capturing Stevens who doesn't even have a single bodyguard.
• Had all gone according to plan, Stevens would be released just before the election; Obama would take credit for that and a newly strengthened relationship with Egypt and Morsi.
• But what wasn't planned: two ex-SEALs named Doherty and Woods. They only happened to be in Benghazi because they were on a separate intel mission to locate surface-to-air missiles.
So the terrorists launch their attack believing that there is no security whatsoever. And they are surprised to find that two SEALs are not only fighting back, but killing them left and right. The resulting firefight transforms the terrorists' assault from a simple kidnapping into a murderous onslaught that cost all four Americans their lives.
Imagine If All Your Worst Suspicions Were True ...
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It's Beginning To Look More And More And More Like The Murder Of The Ambassador To Libya Was A Set-up
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