It's the PEOPLE
Amid the failures of another
From outside, at the Economist:
What's gone wrong in Washington?
American politics seems unusually bogged down at present. Blame Barack Obama more than the system
Feb 18th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
......the idea that America's democracy is broken, unable to fix the country's problems and condemned to impotent partisan warfare, has gained a lot of support lately (see article).
Certainly the system looks dysfunctional. Although a Democratic president is in the White House and Democrats control both House and Senate, Mr Obama has been unable to enact health-care reform, a Democratic goal for many decades. His cap-and-trade bill to reduce carbon emissions has passed the House but languishes in the Senate. Now a bill to boost job-creation is stuck there as well. Nor is it just a question of a governing party failing to get its way. Washington seems incapable of fixing America's deeper problems. Democrats and Republicans may disagree about climate change and health, but nobody thinks that America can ignore the federal deficit, already 10% of GDP and with a generation of baby-boomers just about to retire. Yet an attempt to set up a bipartisan deficit-reduction commission has recently collapsed--again.
We disagree ..
It's not the Progessive agenda, not attempts to marginalize Americans, ...
Excuses for Obama's Failure to Lead
By Charles KrauthammerWASHINGTON -- In the latter days of the Carter presidency, it became fashionable to say that the office had become unmanageable and was simply too big for one man. Some suggested a single, six-year presidential term. The president's own White House counsel suggested abolishing the separation of powers and going to a more parliamentary system of unitary executive control. America had become ungovernable.
Then came Ronald Reagan, and all that chatter disappeared.
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