Green Energy
It's time to crack down on the invaders
And if the military is what's needed to round up the illegals and maintain law and order, then, while I'm sure not many would want it to have to come to that, believe it or not, that's what may have to be done - deploy the army to put a stop to illegal immigrants in the US. Heck, that's what even Europe'll have to do if they're to crack down on the Islamofascists who're encroaching upon their continent.
As I noted earlier, some of these illegals in the US have committed acts of violence. Not only that, but they've also been carrying signs smearing the US flag as racist, fascist, and worse. (And see this report from Eyewitness News on how one broke into a house and threatened to kill.)

Joseph Farah fears that the illegals could eventually end up rioting. Much as I hate to say, he may be right; there's a very grave chance that they could be a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. And if the US authorities don't prepare to act pre-emptively, then as a correspondant to WND who'd worked a policeman in California once said, it'll be like nothing Los Angeles has ever seen before.
A recent poll conducted by Zogby Interactive found that the protests being conducted by illegal aliens are having a negative impact. I'm not surprised. If they don't have citizenship, then their actions aren't just illegitimate, they're also downright absurd, though not as much as the fact that the municipalities allowed the protests to take place.
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Green Energy