Green Energy
I've finally figured out WHO Obama keeps reminding me of
And reminding the rest of the world leaders of
And the rest of his intelligence leaders
And the rest of the union leaders
And the rest of his cabinet appointees
And NOW reminding the rest of congressional leaders of ...

I just can't imagine, why.
What Do We Mean By ‘the Political Class’?
Congress and it’s employees OF BOTH PARTIES, btw, will be EXEMPT from the mandate for all american citizens for health insurance, and keep PRECISELY what they have regardless of it’s details compared to the requirements of the ACA and paid for by...
Rest In Peace Klementina Munch
The Prayers and Thoughts of Everyone at IBA are with you and your family, Alexander. God full of mercy who dwells on high Grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence In the lofty heights of the holy and pure who shine as the brightness of...
Storm Track Appeasement: Quo Vadis? The Church Of England
The Church of England is on its way our. It no longer has the courage to defend it values, principles and beliefs. What a sad state of affairs. Its leaders are well down the road to dhimmitude when the Archbishop of Canterbury says that “Christian...
Winds Of War: Evangelicals Have Second Thoughts
Remember that letter the Muslim leaders sent to the Christian community that many Christian leaders rushed to accept. Well, some are having second thoughts. Administrators from one of the most influential evangelical colleges in the country removed...
The Palestinian Arab People's Responsibilities
In comments on this posting, VJ claimed that I was demonizing Palestinian Arabs. Although that was not my intent, to an extent he is right, and while perhaps I was not as careful in my wording as I should have been, it got me to thinking about the actual...
Green Energy