Green Energy
Jihad Is Alive And Well In The Western World

Muslims in Macedonia rally in support of terrorists
who shot five young Christian fishermen to death. (Photo ROP)
Macedonian police arrest 20 jihadis in slaughter of fishermen
More on the spread of jihad in the Balkans, and especially among the "America-loving" Albanians, you know, the Muslims Clinton sent our troops to war for against the Serbian Christians.
The sharia-compliant media always frames these jihadi attacks as "ethnic tensions" or "clashes" or "civil unrest," all a cover-up for Islamic jihad as commanded by Islamic teaching. Nigeria, Thailand, the Philippines, Israel, Lebanon, Chechnya, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Bosnia Kenya, the list and the endless bloodshed goes on and on ......
Quran: (thanks to Abdul)
1. -- Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve. (8.55)
2. -- The unbelievers are your inveterate enemy. (4: 1 01)
3. -- Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. (48:29).
4. -- Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme. (8:40)
5. -- Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme. (2: 193) 6. -- We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. (3: 151)
7. -- I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. (8: 12)
8. -- Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given [i.e. Christians and Jews] ... until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. (9:29)
9. -- Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. (9:73 and 66:9)
10. -- Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. (9: 123)
Everywhere Muslims live in non-Muslim countries, there is conflict and agitation, the level of which is determined by their numbers.
Macedonian police arrest 20 radical Islamists [sic] in deaths of fishermen Washington Post
(Boris Grdanoski/ Associated Press ) - Macedonian Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, center front, talks to the media surrounded by her associates during a news conference in the capital Skopje, Macedonia, Tuesday, May 1, 2012. Macedonian authorities say they have arrested 20 people, all radical Islamists, in the murder of five Macedonian fishermen last month that fueled ethnic tensions in this tiny Balkan country. They have been charged with terrorism.
Get used to it. This is the new normal.
More than 100 homes evacuated as bomb disposal experts carry out four controlled explosions after two terror arrests Daily Mail
- Officers found explosives in a garage after searching two homes in the Cheltenham area
- Neighbours remain evacuated, with the more vulnerable being rehoused
- Shocked residents spoke of their fear and concern at the dramatic events
By Emma Reynolds
More than 100 homes have been evacuated as bomb disposal experts carried out four controlled explosions this morning.Two men were arrested last night on terrorism charges following the discovery of suspected explosives in a garage during raids on two properties in Cheltenham, according to police.Officers arrested a 52-year-old man from the Hester's Way area under the Explosive Substances Act.
Fear: Two men were arrested by anti-terrorism officers and bomb disposal experts, pictured, carried out explosions at a cordoned-off garage
... and finally ...
Military class suspended for view on Islam Associated Press
A course for U.S. military officers has been teaching that America's enemy is Islam in general, not just terrorists, and suggesting that the country might ultimately have to obliterate the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina without regard for civilian deaths, following World War II precedents of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima or the allied firebombing of Dresden.The
Pentagon suspended the course in late April whe
n a student objected to the material. The FBI also changed some agent training last year after discovering that it, too, was critical of Islam.
The teaching in the military course was counter to repeated assertions by U.S. officials over the last decade that the U.S. is at war against Islamic extremists — not the religion.
"They hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit," the instructor, Army. Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley, said in a presentation last July for the course at Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va.
London: Airport Terminal Evacuated, Police Arrest Man With Grenade In His Bag, ‘controlled Explosion’
From the Daily Mail: Terminal where police arrested a man with a ‘grenade in his bag’ Witnesses said that police screamed ‘get down, get down’ to a passenger. Police said the terminal was evacuated due to a suspicious package Explosive ordnance...
Macedonia’s Muslim Uprising Seen As Flashpoint In East-west Energy War
From Fox News: SKOPJE, Macedonia – A bloody confrontation this month between Macedonian police and Albanian Muslims has touched off widespread protests and threatens to ignite a geopolitical powder keg whose effects could be felt...
ABC: Reports: Suspected Bomb Discovered in Rome Metro Italian Media Reports Rudimentary Bomb Found in Rome Subway, Mayor Says Bomb Couldn't Have Exploded By LEE FERRAN, RICHARD ESPOSITO and JIM SCIUTTO A device suspected of containing explosive powder...
Brigette Gabriel On Islam & The Un Definiton Of Genocide
In the religion of peace, my ass, IT'S A COOKBOOK! department: The United Nations defines genocide as “any… acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such…” ...
Germany Cracks Down On Radical Mosques
From the International Herald Tribune via Astute Bloggers: Scores of German police officers carried out raids on Islamic centers in several big towns and cities Wednesday, detaining nine German citizens suspected of trying to establish a criminal organization...
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