Green Energy
Jihad On Emoticons

From Jihad Watch:
Move over Mickey Mouse. The original, and very lengthy, fatwa is here. Here are some of the pertinent excerpts as posted by the Jawa Report:
"Fatwa: Emoticons are Un-Islamic," from the Jawa Report, November 12 (thanks to Jeffrey Imm):
"Emoticons are forbidden because of its imitation to Allah’s creatures whether it is original or mixture or even deformed one and since the picture is the face and the face is what makes the real picture then emoticons which represent faces that express emotions then all that add up to make them Haram."
Another fatwa states the following:"A woman should not use these images when speaking to a man who is not her mahram, because these faces are used to express how she is feeling, so it is as if she is smiling, laughing, acting shy and so on, and a woman should not do that with a non-mahram man.It is only permissible for a woman to speak to men in cases of necessity, so long as that is in a public chat room and not in private correspondence."
Damien says: Maybe we should send my friend after them. I hear he likes to eat pork and suck Jihadist blood!
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