Green Energy
Jihadi Rally In New York City

From Atlas Shrugs:
I have been receiving these notices in my Yahoo news alerts to join these rallys against the loony toons.
RALLY IN FRONT OF DANISH CONSULATE 2nd AVE and 48 Street NY , USA ,FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17, 06News From Bangladesh Wed, 15 Feb 2006 10:23 AM PSTRALLY IN FRONT OF DANISH CONSULATE 2nd AVE and 48 Street FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2006 12 PM to 3 PM Juma Khutba by Imam Siraj Wahhaj at 1:00 PM Bring your Friends and Family Arrange buses and vans from your communities For information call:917-238-9744, 631 334 3301, (718) 739-3211, 718-658-1199
"We had a demonstration in front of the UN last Sunday. This campaign of protest will continue as a campaign of education for many more months to come" 
"We should portray these cartoons as anti-Muslim rather than anti-Islam. This will take away their hollow argument that it is freedom of expression to attack an ideology (considered progressive). Media are more vary of attacking a community as it is considered racist and not" progressive.
Needless to say, I have ignored these messages. These protests have garnered little attendance and scant attention. But they will not be discouraged as you can see they plan to make this a campaign for "months to come." Today's rally seems to have been better attended.
I received this missive from Rona;
Mark went with his camera. Click for all the pictures here: A.N.S.W.E.R.'s speakers were inciteful, going far beyond the rhetoric about tolerance voiced by the Muslim speakers on the stage. About 600 were there, lots of school buses brought people in.
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Green Energy