Green Energy
Jihadis: Modern-Day Nazis

From Weasel Zippers:
Palestinians hold a sign depicting a swastika during clashes at Qalandiya checkpoint near the West Bank city of Ramallah March 19, 2010. Stone-throwing Palestinians clashed with Israeli security forces in several locations in East Jerusalem and the West Bank amid tensions over Israel's recently announced plan to build houses in East Jerusalem.
Muslims Waste Tons Of Energy Over The "al-nakba" Propaganda
The UK Independent has a clip about the latest of the riots the Islamists incited in this country for the sake of nothing: Clashes broke out today between Palestinians marking the Nakba, and Israeli security officials. The Nakba - or catastrophe - is...
Time's Joe Klein to American Jews: If You Support Netanyahu Right Now You're Un-American Click on the link above to read the whole story at Weasel Zippers. Weasel Zippers comments: The more the left screams these new homes in Jerusalem are illegal...
Obama To Be Protected By Terrorist Group
Amazing things are happening these days. This is from STACLU: The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are Palestinian militias in the West Bank that have been officially listed as a terror group by Canada, the European Union, Japan, Israel and the United States....
Javier Solana Is A Clueless Idiot
Or, as Arafat used to call his kind, a useful idiot. (Ynet) The European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana said following a meeting with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah Thursday that "the Palestinian people have suffered and suffered...
Divide Jerusalem? Liberalism Bespoils Everything It Touches
Can Israel be saved from itself? I am still trying to figure out the election. But this? Jerusalem? Is nothing sacred to the Israeli leftists? Liberalism, as the US and most countries of the world, bespoils everything it touches. Israel's new government...
Green Energy