Green Energy
John Brennan And Obama's Birth Certificate and Passport Records
Tattaglia Will Arrange a Meeting
I find this interesting:
Director John Brennan spent almost his entire formative career inside the CIA and intelligence community. 25 Years inside the CIA prior to 2008.
Mr. Brennan spent most of his C.I.A. career as an analyst, but during the 1990s served a tour as the chief of the CIA station in Saudi Arabia, the rumored financier of a now famous Harvard Law Review editor.
Prior to the 9/11 attack (from 1999 to early 2001) Brennan was chief of staff to George J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence, as the position was then called. At the end of that period of his C.I.A. service, in the world created by the patriot act and homeland security (2004 and 2005), Mr. Brennan set up what is now the U.S. Counterterrorism Center.
John O. Brennan, later became candidate Senator Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser while also being owner of a company called The Analysis Corp. Brennan’s firm, Analysis Corp. was identified and cited in March 2008 for penetrating the files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain in the State Department’s passport office.
At the time of the breach, Brennan was working as an unpaid adviser to the Obama campaign. After the breach was revealed by the Washington Times Brennan stated:
“This individual’s actions were taken without the knowledge or direction of anyone at The Analysis Corp. and are wholly inconsistent with our professional and ethical standards,” Brennan’s company said in a statement sent to reporters after the passport breach was made public. (link)
The Washington Times Reported - Passport application data includes such details as date and place of birth, e-mail address, mailing address, Social Security number, former names and travel plans. Mr. Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961 to a Kenyan father and American mother. He lived in Jakarta, Indonesia, from age six to 10.
Computer-monitoring equipment detected the activities by the three employees on Jan. 9, Feb. 21 and March 14, triggering alarms in each case, Mr. McCormack said. Mr. McCormack said the officials accessed Mr. Obama’s records “without a need to do so.”
“In each case, we immediately contacted our contractors, their employer, and two were fired and one was disciplined,” [Brennan] said. (link)

Yet people would have you believe after 25 years within the CIA,… and after being the Chief of Staff to the Director,…. and after being the person who set up the counter terrorism center,…. and after being the CIA approved contractor for the State dept.,… well, he just didn’t know that someone from his firm was penetrating the passport files within the State Dept. on three occasions in Jan and Feb 2008 to look at information of the candidate who he was specifically working for! You getting this?
Well, that was their story, and they stuck to it in 2008. After the initial inquiry, federal investigators maintained the target of the illegal activity was Obama’s passport file.
It does not take a stretch to come to the conclusion this was for the sole purpose of cleansing the records of information that would jeopardize Obama’s candidacy.
As many people speculated at the time, the breach of the passport records of the other candidates was merely to create confusion. Brennan was, at the time, an unpaid advisorworking with Obama’s campaign. Passport files include an applicant’s name, gender, social security number, date and place of birth, and passport number.
Additional information may include birth certificates, naturalization certificates, or oaths of allegiance for U.S. born persons who adopted the citizenship of a foreign country as minors.
It is important to remember the oversight agency who would be investigating the breach – The Senate Foreign Relations Committee oversees the State Department.
At the time Senator Joe Biden, now Vice President Biden, was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the time the breach would be investigated.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice phoned Obama and personally apologized for the breach. “I told him that I myself would be very disturbed if I learned that somebody had looked into my passport file,” Rice told reporters. She phoned Clinton and McCain and offered similar apologies.
Following the breach, State Department managers met with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph Biden, whose committee has oversight over the Foreign Service and the passport office. (link)
…..And, well, what do you know?…. Biden became the VP pick of Obama.
THERE'S MORE, and it has to do with how the specific individual who penetrated the database - and the journalist who attempted to connect the dots on the story - BOTH WOUND UP DEAD.
Go read it.
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