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Just Some Catholic Humor

Courtesy of the Papal Shop and linked through the still-on-the-web despite the change in office Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club. Cardinal Ratzinger is first Pope to have had a fan club while he was still a Cardinal, and both sites still operate online, the former and the new Pope Benedict XVI Fan Club site. The bumper sticker pictured is fun if you're a Roman Catholic, and perhaps even if you are not. You tell me. Personally, I love it.
Ladies And Gentlemen, Petrus Romanus
From the Telegraph: Cardinal Peter Turkson, a 64-year-old Ghanaian prelate, is the bookmaker's early favourite to succeed Pope Benedict XVI. He told The Daily Telegraph Tuesday that his biggest challenge, should he be elected, would be to maintain...
Pope Spoke of 'Slow Suicide of Europe Through "Muslim immigration" An upcoming autobiography from press baron Conrad Black reveals that Pope Benedict lamented the 'slow suicide of Europe' because of Muslim immigration. Buried away on...
Pelosi Is A Saint
swiped this from Christian Soldier: On a Saturday afternoon, in Washington, D. C., an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the Bishop of the Catholic cathedral in D.C. He told the Cardinal that Nancy Pelosi would be attending the next day's...
The Pope Versus The Vatican
If you haven’t already, be sure to read George Weigel’s “The Pope Versus the Vatican,”which appeared last month in the British magazine Standpoint:It is unlikely that Joseph Ratzinger accepted his election thinking of himself as another Leo...
The Pope Sends Mixed Messages About Islam
Pope Benedict seems to get it, and then he seems to lose his head in an orifice one doesn't usually associate with Holiness: VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI urged Islamic countries to ensure religious rights for Christian migrants Monday while also...
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