Green Energy
From Breitbart:
Kevin James makes people laugh for a living, both with his long-running sitcom "The King of Queens" and comedy hits like "Paul Blart: Mall Cop."
When Breitbart News asked him recently about his views on "The Innocence of Muslims," the film the Obama administration blamed for much of the recent unrest in the Middle East, James took the matter seriously.
We asked James, who visited Denver to promote his latest comedy "Here Comes the Boom," his thoughts on why his Hollywood peers didn't speak out for the free speech rights of the film's creator - no matter how crude or offensive his video may be.
George Clooney called it "unfortunate" that the First Amendment protected the filmmaker behind the project. Bette Midler suggested the filmmaker should be charged for murder.
Meanwhile, exhibits like "Piss Christ" get to grace U.S.-based art museums without a critical word from celebrities about its potential to upset Catholics.
Shocker: Obama Admits Islam Biggest Cause Of Conflict In The World
From Kristinn Taylor at Gateway Pundit: President Barack Obama may be shocked to realize he said this after he reads about it in the news, but he made an apparently unwitting admission about Islam’s debilitating role in the world in a taped interview...
O’keefe Lifts The Mask On Hollywood Progressives In Anti-fracking Sting Operation
Via The Hollywood Reporter:James O’Keefe says he duped Ed Begley Jr. and Mariel Hemmingway into agreeing to get involved with an anti-fracking movie while hiding that its funding comes from Middle Eastern oil interests.Journalist James O’Keefe,...
Video Maker Blamed For Benghazi Remains Jailed....
But term has nothing to do with sparking Muslims to demonstrate It was no less than President Obama who blamed the Benghazi terror attack on an obscure video trailer posted on the Internet called “Innocence of Muslims.” Andit was Secretary of State...
"Innocence Of Muslims" - Welcome to Pallywood II By W.Shoebat.When it comes to the film Innocence of Muslims, our government and the media uses a narrative mired in contradictions and false statements provided by the filmmaker, who himself is an...
Egypt Charges 7 U.S. Coptic Christians Involved In Mohammed Movie With “Insulting The Prophet” – Florida Pastor Terry Jones Also Charged Cairo, 18 Sep (AGI) – Egyptian prosecutors have opened proceedings against Coptic Egyptian citizens...
Green Energy