Green Energy

From The Astute Blogger:
"To believe the left, Bush is Hitler, Cheney is Hitler, Ashcroft is Hitler, Rumsfeld is Hitler, but the guy with the mustache who gasses people and hates Jews and wants to conquer the world isn't Hitler. Go figure."
Miller's pithy quote accurately depicts a basic prblem with today's post modern Left. Today's Leftist places more value in figurative comparisons, analogies and over-the-top papier macher guerilla theater than literal relations.
That islamofascist jihadoterrorists actually explicitly call for genocide and totalitarianism - and use genocidal attacks against fellow Muslims (Shias and Sufis), Hindus (in India), Buddhists (in Thailand), as well as Jews and Christians - is denied by today's Left, as is the fact that Bush has actually liberated 60 million Muslims from tyranny. The upside-down/inside-out insanity of their position is truly Orwellian, to say the least.
They fear and hate Bush more than they fear the jihadoterrorists. For instance, they believe

that Bush has created a police state even though his expanded use of POTUS/CiC war-time powers has been far more benign than presidents they adore: for example, FDR (who put 50,000 American citizens in concentration camps during WW2); or Lincoln (who suspended habeus corpus during the US Civil War).
In fact, Bush has used his war-time powers less than ANY other war-time president, EVER. The Left's formulation is indefensible ON BOTH COUNTS! In fact, Bush is better than they believe, and the enemy worse. IOW: the Left couldn't be more wrong. Or deluded.
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Someone Get The Media A Straight Jacket And Some Thorazine
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Great Moments In The History Of Pacifism
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Bush And Rice Both Know What's Going On
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Green Energy