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Lasers and Missiles, the US and Israel
U.S. makes headway in tests of airborne laser that could down missiles
The Missile Defense Agency has overcome technical problems with the Airborne Laser, an $8-billion program designed to fire a laser beam from a Boeing 747 capable of destroying ballistic missiles.
The ABL program has been plagued by technical difficulties in modifying the 747 to carry a laser.
In the latest development, an industry team led by Boeing has successfully fired surrogate lasers from inside a Boeing 747-400F.
Executives said the laser firings in a range simulator verified that the ABL team properly aligned the optical beam train, a series of optical components, steering and deformable mirrors, and sensors that guide lasers to an actual target.
The equipment used in the tests was part of the beam control/fire control system designed and integrated by Lockheed Martin. The lasers were low-power surrogates for ABL's high-energy laser and two illuminator lasers. Boeing is the prime contractor, and Northrop Grumman is a major partner.
The Missile Defense Agency plans to approve the installation of the actual illuminators in the 747 for ground and flight tests later in 2006.
The high-energy laser was being refurbished and expected to be installed in the ABL aircraft in 2007.
The program's first missile shoot-down test is slated for 2008. ABL has been more than three years behind schedule.
"The surrogate-laser tests provide further proof that the ABL design is sound," said Boeing Missile Defense Systems Vice President Pat Shanahan.
"They also bring ABL closer to important flight testing later this year and to the 2008 lethal shoot-down milestone."
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