Green Energy
Last week in NYC: 2 Israelis Attacked in Manhattan, Attacker Said "I Want To Kill You"

Last week in NYC==>
ColLive: 2 Israelis Attacked in Manhattan
ColLive: Attacker Said "I Want To Kill You"
"That was definitely thrown directly at you," the woman told the boys, while her companion ran across the street to where pallets of bottled water were being unloaded to get some water to put out the fire.
By the time he returned, two Arabic-speaking men had come out of the shop directly in front of the attack and extinguished the fire with a bucket of water. They removed the burnt bicycle that was chained to the lamppost and swept up the debris, leaving almost no obvious evidence of the attack.
Despite the apparent premeditation and the quick clean up by the neighboring shopkeepers, an NYPD officer who responded to the scene did not consider the incident noteworthy.
"He basically said, 'no injuries, nothing happened, let's move on,'" Yosef Rachimi, who speaks Hebrew, said through an interpreter.
A new report challenges with this 'believe it, or else' spin today:
TimeofIsrael: Muslim vendor was target of NYC attack, not yeshiva students
Israeli youths were at the wrong place at the wrong time during Friday attack, police says
---color me skeptical, especially given the attack took place on Friday afternoon - Jumah - Friday
Kutbah starts at 1:30pm.
Neither report clarifies the exact time of the attack, only stating 'afternoon'.
Hajj is over, Palestinians kicked off the next intifada...recall Sura 9:5 ...Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
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Suspicious "islamophobic" Attack Report By Agency French Press
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"thanks For The Taqqiyah Alert Serendip."
Recently I have been baulking at the over used phrase 'taqiyya' as it seems to be used at every opportunity whenever Muslims or Muslim groups do something positive, like saying they will hound out extremists. However, reading the comments at Harrys...
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