Green Energy
Lent: The Christian Ramadan

From Aurora at the Midnight Sun:
Let’s just create a new religion for Europe. Call it Chrislam or perhaps Istianity. Hot on the heels of the comments of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the country that brought us Geert Wilders, now brings us a solution to all the tensions. Here is the suggestion:
... an article from the Telegraph with the shocking headline, “Lent fast re-branded as ‘Christian Ramadan.’”
We know that things are very bad. But is this particular story as bad as Tim thinks? Here is the opening:
Dutch Catholics have re-branded the Lent fast as the “Christian Ramadan” in an attempt to appeal to young people who are more likely to know about Islam than Christianity. MORE…
Go read the whole thing at the Midnight Sun.
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Uk: Tv Personality, Katie Hopkins, Makes Fun Of Radical Muslims And Gets Labeled "controversial"
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Ramadan—aka "starving For Allah"
The month of Ramadan is the holiest month in the Hijri (Islamic) calendar. This is the month when it is the duty of all Muslims 12 years and older to fast from dawn till dusk. How long one fasts depends on where that Muslim is—in Dubai the duration...
Green Energy