Green Energy
This is the kind of thinking we're going to need to win our war against the Islamofascists who would destroy our civilization. I have refrained from posting on Lionheart in the past, because I find it hard to substantiate some of his claims. But, being that he is testifying as to things that happened to him personally, it's not as if I could provide you with a link to a news article. In his case, the problem is exactly that no one is writing news articles. No one is taking up his cause.
You may not agree with all that Lionheart says, you may not believe all he writes, but he is a brave man standing up for his civilization. And, the police want to arrest him? Lionheart:
A murderous section of the Pakistani Moslem community of Bury Park – Luton threatened my life, as witnessed by two witnesses, and my blog which is my perception of truth based on facts is my response to those very serious credible death threats.I would rather die a Christian man than a pathetic Dhimmi – What about you?They have
bombed my homeland and they are desecrating my Nation on a daily basis with their Islamic degradation, so I will not back down from them or their gullible Liberal Left Wing tools who are trying to silence me – They are the ones who are at war with my country, and who want to kill me personally – If they want a war based on the facts and they want to kill me, then is it not my right to protect myself? If I don’t who will, do I just let these people kill me or do I run away and leave this to someone else to deal with? And if they are at war with us which they are, as the facts clearly prove, then can we the British people not let them have a war?Whose homeland is this, theirs or mine?What is the result of doing nothing?My Grandfather never fought for Queen and Country so that the blessed birthright he handed to me which was my part of the British homeland as an Englishman could be taken away in my generation and given to an alien Kingdom with its alien Islamic culture so that there will be nothing left for my children other than an Islamic way of life enforced upon them.I would rather my children know I died a free man for them and their birthright, than a coward and a slave to the oppressors, no matter what form that oppression comes in.
Why should I be forced out of my home, forced out of my business, forced into bankruptcy and forced to become a vagabond in my own land because of murdering warmongering Moslems who are at war with the Nation – something wrong there don’t you think?And now people are trying to ‘silence’ me from speaking out about this abomination that is happening to me and my fellow countrymen by this internal enemy whose ultimate intention it is to take over rule of the land and enforce ‘Sharia Law’ upon the population, no matter how long that takes them.I have not called for murder, war or bloodshed, as my title states “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword”, yet this Labour government wants to take the pen out of my hand and lock me in prison when I have done nothing wrong apart write words of truth on a computer screen for others to read.You want a fight with me to silence me then lets fight, but remember there is an army made up of millions of people the same as me throughout the World who are ready to fight you with me, this has been shown to me over the last two days, and these citizens of the free world stand shoulder to shoulder with me, because this attack on me is an attack on them, their children and grandchildren also!!!You have started something that will never be stopped now!!!In the future, which is right now coming at us with all the force and inevitability of a train, we will all need to be lionhearted.
Go read the rest at Lionheart's blog.
Update On Lionheart (with Addendum)
(Crossposted at Always On Watch) On January 26, 2008, Yankee Doodle of Stop Islamic Conquest posted information indicating that Lionheart is scheduled to return to the UK in four days. Excerpt: There is an immediacy to Lionheart's situation...Yankee...
Two Brits Speak Out About Islam
[Hat-tip to Brooke for the following videos] Follow-up to the above video: At his web site, UK blogger Lionheart posts about the situation in the United Kingdom. Excerpt from one of LionHeart's recent postings "The Horror of 21st Century Britain":...
Formerly English Town Now Lives In Dhimmitude
From Lionheart - 07 February 2007 'Allah's' Luton Militia - Civil War ‘Jihad’ (Holy war) is a divine command laid out in the Koran for every Muslim to follow. Allah, his...
Infidel Hunk Of The Week: Lionheart
ATLAS ON TH AIR HOUR: LIONHEART DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO THE LIONHEART PODCAST HERE NOW Our interview will be about radical Islamist control of the hard drug trade in Britian and this brave fellow, Paul "Lionheart" the nom de guerre of Paul Ray...
Atlas On The Air! Interview With Lionheart
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE AND UNCENSORED ATLAS ON THE AIR HOUR: LIONHEART Our interview will be about radical Islamist control of the hard drug trade in Britian and this brave fellow, Paul "Lionheart" the nom de guerre of Paul Ray who has lived through...
Green Energy