- Tomorrow
1) Tomorrow we remember 2) Tomorrow Jones and others may burn Qurans 3) Tomorrow the 9/11 Ground Zero Mosque Demonstration Occurs4) Tomorrow a demonstration across the street in SUPPORT of building the mosque occurs5) If 2 happens, tomorrow MIGHT mark...
- Anti-jihadi Ammunition
Well here is something new: Bullets dipped in pigs blood. This company is selling ammunition specifically designed to deter any bravery on the part of a Jihadi. Here's what it says about the ammunition on the site: Our unique product is specially...
- Mickey Kantor, Worthless White Nigger - Updated
Uh, wow! UPDATED: Ben Smith has a post up over at Politico which sheds doubt on the truthfulness of this video clip. I tend to believe the clip probably is not real. This clip is old. Considering how much Clinton's enemies hated him, were the clip...
- Pimfortuyn: If Something Were To Happen To Me.....
This is the first of two videos I have been working on which focus on a Dutch TV appearance by Pim Fortuyn within a few months of his assassination. In this video, I have added little more to the original 50 second clip from the show "Jensen!" other than...