Longer Video Clip of 24, Giving More Context
Green Energy

Longer Video Clip of 24, Giving More Context

Here is the longer version, including Jack Bauer killing his best friend to protect a terrorist.

This could happen tomorrow.

- Tomorrow
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- Mickey Kantor, Worthless White Nigger - Updated
Uh, wow! UPDATED: Ben Smith has a post up over at Politico which sheds doubt on the truthfulness of this video clip. I tend to believe the clip probably is not real. This clip is old. Considering how much Clinton's enemies hated him, were the clip...

- Pimfortuyn: If Something Were To Happen To Me.....
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- Stars Of The 'americans Kill You For Your Organs' Turkish Ben Hur
I really hate to dump my Zoolander...maybe we should just inform Jack Bauer...

Green Energy
