Green Energy
Lost Dog - Answers To Mohammed

You know, I'd feel bad about poor Mohammed - wandering the streets scared and frightened with nothing to eat - except for the fact that he keeps shitting on my lawn:
LEWISTON (NEWS CENTER) -- Members of the Somali community in Lewiston say a poster put up in front of a local Somali owned store is an insult to their religion.
The poster depicts a vicious "lost" dog named Mohammed. That's the name of the Muslim prophet. It says that the dog is not good with children and can't be trusted.
Hussein Ahmed, the owner of the store, says the phone number on the poster is fake and that the only place it was put up was right near his business. "This is really a religious statement," said Hussein Ahmed, "that is an attack on our religion which we don't feel comfortable with. We see this as a very bad insulting situation."
Lewiston Mayor Larry Gilbert says the poster gives the city an undeserved bad name. Gilbert met with members of the Somali community Friday afternoon to listen to their concerns. He says police are investigating.
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Green Energy