That house is across the cove in front our house to our left about 80 feet away.
Snowing in the second more serious storm in the Northeast about 8 hours at this point just past dawn in Downeast Maine. Wind so strong that the ground is bare where exposed to lakefront winds, and 2 feet deep where protected. We have about 12-18 hours to go. Snowing completely horizontal.
VERY VERY Fluffy stuff. You can see the details in every flake sparkling. Tomorrow should be incredible. Of course that's because it 's SO cold. Below zero or close to it - actual - almost every night since the day after we had the crazy weather about 60 a couple of weeks ago. Wind chills in the past five days consistently pushing into double negative digits in the last 5 days.
So, Mr. Flacco, this is actually a typical slightly more serious snowstorm. Temp is 9F, Windchill -14, continuous winds 35mph, gusts past 50.
Later we plan to go out and play. Anytime you want to come by and throw the ball around we’re ready. We discussed taking the Adirondack chairs out, and making a fire on the ice (about 2 feet thick) in our Coleman fireplace. Maybe it’s too breezy, but with some fine Hennesey you never know.
Tmw when it’s sunny and we all get out the snowblowers and plows for THE ROAD WE MAINTAIN (Bronco … that’s for you) I’ll take some high res.
The call here is 22-28 inches. For those of you from the school system in Castres, that more than 70 cm of snow in about 24 hours.