Green Energy
'Man Of Steel' Review
He wouldn’t WHINE about being a lonely alien who was bound to be misunderstood, although the BEST parts of the movie are before you realize he is a whiner.
Music is among Hans Zimmer’s best efforts.
The other Zod (Terence Stamp) was better, which bothers me because I think Shannon is GREAT.
Stamp’s Zod is sadly authoritative, malevolent and only later CRAZEEEE
Shannon’s Zod is completely whacked out from the beginning
And you REALLY MISS ‘Son of Jor-EL come and kneel before Zod’.
After the first two fistfights and destruction of Kansas during the second round, FIGHTS GOT BORING, loud and pointless. In fact during the battle with the metal tentacle thing in the Indian Ocean no one could figure out what was happening and why. This never happened during any of Michael Bay’s assault on all senses.
Too bad.
Cavill is good. Amy Adams is still a princess. Is that bad? I don’t know. However she gives Kal-El a kiss which clearly leaves him in need of a room and a DO NOT DISTURB sign. Fishburne is underutilized, and Perry White in this story is wasted.
A little lighter shade on the suit, please.

The sequel should feature a VERY HOT relationship between the clearly attracted to each other Faora-Ul and Colonel Nathan Hardy.
Above is pretty fair representation of their first date. We all know how those kinds of dates turn out.
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Green Energy