Green Energy
Manhattan - Brooklyn - Enemy Territory
We are witnessing the rapid takeover of American cities by Islamic extremists intent on marginalising the Judeo-Christian heritage that has guided our nation for hundreds of years.
In major U.S. cities Islam has already achieved de-facto "Super-citizen" status, and enjoys unheard of exemptions from the laws that govern the non-Moslem population (i.e. Polygamy, Female Mutilation, Forced Marriage, etc.).
If you care about the future of our children and indeed, our Republic, please pass this article on to as many people as possible.
By Bos Smith

Photo: Muhammad greeting visitors at al-Taqwa mosque.
After reading yesterday's post "Assault at a Brooklyn Mosque" on Atlas Shrugs you might think that Majid al-Taqwa is unique – that Muslims at other mosques in the New York area do not accost Jews and Christians who venture near their establishments – that they do not haul them away for interrogation by Islamists in Ninja suits – that they do not maintain constant security to safeguard against any unwelcome intrusion, let alone a small standing army headed by a convicted felon.
You might believe that what took place last Saturday when an Islamist stormed from the mosque at 1226 Bedford Street to assault a reporter for taking a picture in front of the establishment on a public sidewalk to be an extraordinary occurrence brought on by intentional provocation.
You may be convinced that the majority of the 800,000 Muslims who presently live and worship in New York do not behave in such an aggressive manner and that they welcome kafirs to the 130 mosques that have sprouted up like mushrooms within the five boroughs.
You may be convinced that the New York Police Department neglected to respond to calls from the investigative team for help to be aberrant happenstance – an insignificant gaffe caused by a failure to make the correct connection. You might even believe that the account represents gross exaggeration – yellow journalism that smacks of sheer sensationalism.
But what occurred at the Brooklyn mosque, where "moderate" imam Siraj Wahaj holds forth, takes place at Islamic centers throughout Manhattan.
After leaving Majid al-Taqwa, the team of journalists ventured into the Masjid al-Farooq Mosque at 554 Atlantic Avenue where they were prohibited from entering the building and denied the right to walk past the sentry guards. Moreover, the Islamic watchdogs at the al-Farooq Mosque also forbade the taking of pictures and demanded to know the reason for the visit.
If you fancy that al-Farooq is a place of no consequence, consider these facts: the plan for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center was hatched here; this Brooklyn mosque housed a cell of al Qaeda and raised over $20 million for bin Laden; it has also been reported that the squalid place serves as an arsenal where members withdraw crates of weapons and boxes of ammunition and haul them to the Calverton Shooting Range on Long Island for practice in guerrilla warfare.
But as concerned citizens, you are prohibited from entering the lobby of this joint. Would you encounter the same treatment if you entered a Christian Church or Jewish synagogue? Would you come face to face with Ninja nuns or rabid rabbis? Why are these places so heavily guarded and so closely protected by practitioners of the so-called "religion of peace?" Something ain't right, but few (including the New York Police Department, FBI, and Homeland Security) are raising questions, and no one (save Pamela Geller and a few other intrepid souls) is demanding answers.
Similarly, when the same investigative team traveled to the Islamic Center of New York, an established that was built in 1988 by Kuwaiti and other Arab officials, including King Hassan II of Morocco, at a cost of $12 million, they encountered the same resistance.
A group of Islamic women in burqas became irate at the appearance of the reporters and forbade the snapping of photos from a distance of one block away from the bunker-like mosque, since such activity represented a violation of not only their privacy but also of the Islamic religion. "Pictures are forbidden by the Koran," they said.
This Islamic Center of New York also retains sentries who remain on constant guard (against what?) and who forbid all non-Muslims from setting foot within the complex. Strange to say, the Islamic Center has been constructed as a defensive bunker and bears an uncanny resemblance to the U.S. Embassy in Kenya.
When the team arrived at Muhammad Mosque #7 at 106 West 127th Street in Harlem, they were forbidden to photograph the place – which looks like a funeral home – also, from one half a block away. A group of Muslim men in bow-ties ordered the reporters to vacate the area, saying that the taking of photographs was prohibited. When asked why such measures were in force, one of the Muslims said that the mosque remains on high alert for security reasons.
Just steps from the mosque, which served as the New York headquarters of Louis Farrakhan, vendors were peddling Islamic items, including colorful keffiyehs, which they called "Taliban scarves."
By 2015, the Islamic population of the city is expected to exceed 1.5 million. But already, photos on city sidewalks are being forbidden if a mosque happens to be within sight. And already, Kafirs are being assaulted and interrogated for showing too much interest in our city's most relevant Islamic institutions. What else visitors and residents of New York City should expect over the next decade remains beyond the comprehension of this reporter.
(Bos Smith holds a law degree from Wake Forest University. He serves in the securities division of a major Wall Street investment bank. The research for this article was conducted in preparation of Within the Belly of the Beast: Jihad in America. Questions and comments may be directed to [email protected]).
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Green Energy