Green Energy
Maybe he met the ghost of president's future?
- 'Nobel Peace Prize-winner Barack Obama ups spending on nuclear weapons to even more than George Bush
Barack Obama has allocated £4.3billion to spend on maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile - £370million more than what was budgeted by George Bush.
The budget will also be increased by more than £3.1billion over the next five years.
The announcement comes despite the American President declaring nuclear weapons were the 'greatest danger' to U.S. people during in his State of the Union address on Wednesday.
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Obama Said to Seek $54 Billion in Nuclear-Power Loans
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama, acting on a pledge to support nuclear power, will propose tripling U.S. loan guarantees for new reactors to more than $54 billion, an administration official said.
The additional loan guarantees in Obama's budget, which will be released Feb. 1, are part of an effort to bolster nuclear-power production after the president called for doing so in his State of the Union address Jan. 27. In a conference call with reporters, Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced a panel to find a solution to storing the waste generated by nuclear plants. "Senate Republicans support building 100 new plants as quickly as possible -- we hope Democrats will join us in that effort, particularly now with the president's call to action," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said on the Senate floor yesterday. "And the president could start by moving forward on the nuclear loan guarantee program.
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Green Energy