Green Energy
Mein Kampf in Dar al Islam

We've all read the reports of Hitler's Mein Kampf being a best-selling book in various Middle Eastern countries. I must admit that though I know the major themes, I have not read the entire book. I know, as do we all for the most part, that Churchill read it early enough on and warned that those who ignored it were doing so at their own peril.
My question is (call in an ongoing research assignment, an open question, a call for more info, etc.) what is the SPECIFIC impression that this book is having in the countries in which it is currently selling like hotcakes? We all know the major themes, hatred of Jews and rationalization of eradicating them, the insistance on one race being destined to dominate, the idea that people should be led by a stronger will than a democratic goverment.
These ideas seem to be already present in the Islamic world, so my question is: are those in the Middle East currently enamored of this book just finding a treatise that they agree with, or is there something deeper that they are getting from Mein Kampf? Is it yet again a 'blueprint' of things to come? What are all of these constantly reported on readers getting out of Hitler's charming little book? Let us try to find the answer.
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